Baptiste Marceau

Ashtanga Yoga (Mexico)

Baptiste’s introduction to yoga came naturally. Thirty-one years ago while traveling as a renounced sadhu he found himself at a Himalayan temple in India, there he encountered an elder sadhu who had white hair and a youthful appearance. Pleased with Baptiste’s admiration for the impressive sequences he had executed the elder offered Baptiste to try yoga. Coming from a background in refined kinetic body movement arts Baptiste was able to be positioned by the sadhu with his feet behind his head causing a deep trance state heightening his awareness making him conscious of the energy flowing through his nadis. After 8 years of dedication to the practice and sharing of yoga he traveled to the Amazon and studied indigenous cultural perspectives surrounding spirituality. Baptiste Marceau’s approach to yoga is adaptive and constantly evolving. Baptiste is currently based in Mexico and is available to teach internationally upon request. Yoga as the chemistry of Auto-transformation, and how to grow old with grace and wisdom Yoga as the chemistry of Auto-transformation, and how to grow old with grace and wisdom Yoga is frequently confused with mere assanas. The therapeutic part is certainly important, but even more important than that is the intention of self-awareness and consciousness transformation, helping oneself to connect with the world we are living in. Understanding of the Universe. Nowadays the world is very urbanized, we have lost contact with nature. I believe Yoga has the purpose of reconnecting people with nature, as well as bringing balance to human life. There are many ways of how the human being can deal with his life on Earth. There is a subjective part and a objective one. To claim that Yoga goes beyond religion is not the same as linking it to cults. It is a human science that aspires to increase the well being in human societies. Indeed, it has many crucial goals, namely in terms of human development and his relationship with all that is happening in the world. People have lost their respect towards the elderly. Yoga is a science that pushes for gracious aging. Youth is ephemeral, but old age endures. We must go deeper into this basis so the world won’t lose itself in illusions.