Sergey Volov

Ishvara Yoga (Dnipro)

Biography is not an easy task, because the brain of any animal, including humans, does not store memories, but dynamically creates them for each and every specific situation. Therefore, biographical data have a very controversial value for the simple reason that any biography is not objective, and gives the reader absolutely nothing. This is a scientific fact. But the rules of the festival says biography is a must, so here it is. Based on my mistakes, I tried to make it as useful as possible to the reader, who, potentially, is interested in the topic of yoga.   I’ve been doing yoga for about 5-6 thousand hours. More than half of this time were devoted to the study of the unique methodology of ‘Ishvara Yoga’ by A. Zenchenko. I did not explore other methods, for the simple reason that in a short time only an erroneous and biased opinion can be formed on the subject. You can be an expert only in one thing. It just happened to be Ishvara Yoga and it does the job. Alternately, I am also a certified teacher of this method and I am positive that if you serious and enthusiastic about practice, you’ll get the results you need.     Currently, I am working on making the practice more effective both for me and for my students. I come up with various techniques that make the practice more productive. I’d like to introduce the participants of the festival to one of my findings.    I am going to present a motivating game ‘Snails are crawling to the top’.   This game is for those who practice yoga or those who are considering it. In order to become skilled in yoga gymnastics, you need to practice, and, moreover, to practice on your own. For most practitioners, this is the most difficult part.   With the help of this game, you can greatly increase your chances of becoming an independent practitioner and find out what gymnastics of yogis really is. In addition, many nuances of the methodology that you use in your practice will become clear.   After the game, you will find that what you get in group yoga classes and what you get as a result of regular independent practice are two different things.   In addition, as a bonus, you will be exposed to strategies that will be useful in your everyday life. .   Join our game, and perhaps this will be one of the wisest decisions in your life!