Diana Schöpplein is a E -RYT500 teacher with heart and soul. Her yoga journey started in the early 90s in Bali, Thailand and in ashrams and monasteries in India and Nepal. Ever since she has been dedicating herself to the investigation of the Self through yoga and performance arts. Her trainings include Anusara yoga, classical Hatha yoga, authentic Pranayama, Nada Yoga, Ayurveda and American Indian shamanism. She likes to introduce and mix elements from various styles in a mindful yet dynamic blend. She loves india and the rich tradition of worshipping ones own nature and loves to share the more subtle practices such as the yoga of scared sound. In her retreats, workshops and teacher trainings, she facilitates the perfect setting for her students to get back in touch with themselves, to explore and expand the various layers of their being in order to encounter and transform on deeper levels.
She is currently based in Zurich, Berlin and India and Berlin sharing her passion of inner growth.