Мила Рыбакова Хатха Йога, Йога для Женщин, Йога Нидра, Антигравитационная Йога и Медитации (Киев, Украина)
Kundalini Yoga Massage
This workshop teaches a full body yoga massage of approximately 40 minutes, fusing classical yoga asanas with thai yoga massage postures. It focusses on creating an atmosphere of meditation in motion through stimulating the energy within each chakra and learning how to raise this special energy through the spine using breath work and thai yoga massage techniques. You will receive a photographed brochure of the massage flow
Tantra Yoga Massage
This workshop is about increasing levels of intimacy and connection through exploring touch and shared awareness. It focusses on achieving stillness and presence through meditation and learning how to see ourselves and others in news ways of heightened awareness, which is then carried through our touch to give pleasure and deep euphoric well-being. The massage is 40 minutes long
Invitation to Shavasna
This wonderful short massage is a wonderfully effective muscular skeletal realignment sequence which only takes 15 minutes. The techniques are a perfect fusion of osteopathy and thai yoga massage, and how they are applied to the body is yoga, unity of body, mind, breath and movement.